Utilities and Local Information
Contact information for utilities and services in El Dorado Hills and surrounding areas
Services for El Dorado Hills and the surrounding communities phone numbers. Theses are the important phone numbers you may need to initiate services like phone, water and gas as well as some of the El Dorado County offices. The phone numbers are listed for you below:
AT&T - 800-222-0300
El Dorado Irrigation District - 530-622-4513
El Dorado Disposal - 530-626-4141
Pac Bell - 800-310-2355
PG&E - 800-743-5000
Kamps Propane - 530-642-0140
Amerigas - 530-622-4777
Home Owner Associations
Serrano - 916-939-1728
Blackstone - 916-933-7300
The Promontory - 916-934-0827
The Summit - 916-985-3633
Bridlewood Canyon - 916-985-3633
Southpointe - 916-965-8964
School Districts
Buckeye Union School District - 916-985-2183
Rescue Union School District - 530-677-4461
El Dorado Union High School District - 916-933-5165
Folsom-Cordova Unified School District - 916-355-1100
Other Services
Animal Control - 530-621-5795
Board of Supervisors - 530-621-5390
Serrano - 916-939-1728
Chamber of Commerce - 916-933-1335
City Clerk - 530-642-5200
City Hall - 530-642-5225
Community Svc - 916-933-6624
DMV - 800-777-0133
Library - 916-933-6982
Sac Bee - 916-933-0195
Mt. Democrat - 530-622-1255
Marshall Hospital - 530-621-1441
Parks and Recreation - 530-621-5353