(Formerly known as Prop 60, 90 & 110)
Proposition 19 allows homeowners the ability to purchase a new home in El Dorado County and transfer their original property's older tax base year value. The Menser Real Estate Group often assists out of area buyers to bring their tax base here. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call, (916) 586-7766.
Prop 19
Anyone who meets the requirements to transfer the base year value from an original residence to a replacement residence within the county.
One of the property owners must be 55 or permanently disabled
.The sale of the original principal residence and the acquisition of the replacement principal residence must both occur within a two-year period.
The location of the replacement home can be anywhere within California.
No value limit. The amount above 100% is added to the transferred value.
Tax base transfers may happen up to three times.
Prop 19 - Disaster Relief Intracounty & Intercounty - No age or disability requirement. Must be declared by the governor as a wildfire or natural disaster. No value limit, the amount over 100% will be added to the transferred value.
Prop 19 - Parent-Child & Grandparent-Grandchild Exclusion - The home must be the principal residence of the transferor and transferee. Value limit of current taxable value plus $1,000,0000 (as annually adjusted) and only applies to family homes or farms. The filling period must occur within 1-year of the transfer. The parent of the grandchild, also known as the child of the grandparent, must be deceased on the date of transfer.
EXPIRED - Prop 60, 90 & 110
These propositions have been replaced with Prop 19. Prop 60 (for anyone who met the old requirements) allowed for the transfer of a base year value from an original residence to a replacement residence within the county. Prop 90 (for anyone who met the old requirements) allowed for the transfer of a base year value from an original residence (located within California) to a replacement residence within one of the few approved Prop 90 counties. Prop 110 allowed for any permanently disabled persons to transfer the base year value from an original residence to a replacement principal residence.