Home Improvement Stephani Menser Polley Home Improvement Stephani Menser Polley

RealVitalize - Key Facts

We have experienced tremendous interest in the RealVitalize program and received many questions. Here are some key facts on how the RealVitalize program works. (Click here to read our original post about RealVitalize.)


This program is currently only offered to Coldwell Banker NRT Real Estate Agents in select markets. The Sacramento/El Dorado Hills area is eligible.

Minimum/Maximum Housing Price

The is NO minimum/maximum housing price to qualify for the RealVitalize program.

Cost Cap

A seller’s allowance is an amount equal to the list-side commission rate set forth in the listing agreement, up to a maximum of $50,000.

Type of Work

Any work described as “non-structural” shall be permitted in the Real-Vitalize program.

*FYI to our fellow Coldwell Banker Agents:

This program can be used on existing listings. It’s ideal for listings that have been sitting on the market for a while or for inspection findings after they are in escrow. This can save transactions where the seller can’t afford to come out of pocket for repairs.

Are you a Coldwell Banker agent looking for additional information on RealVitalize? Click here.

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Home Improvement Stephani Menser Polley Home Improvement Stephani Menser Polley

RealVitalize - Coldwell Banker will finance your home improvement projects

Coldwell Banker just launched a new program to help our clients maximize the selling price and minimize the time their home is on the market. It is called RealVitalize.

3 Steps to Selling Your Home Faster, Getting Top Dollar

How does it work?

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage partnered with HomeAdvisor to help with improvements and repairs to prep a home for sale. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage will cover the upfront costs and get paid back when the home sells.

The Best part:

  • No payments until closing.

  • No hidden fees.

  • No interest charges.

  • No markups.

What type of projects does RealVitalize include?

  • Staging (We include staging for our clients. This would be for a vacant home that needs large scale furniture.)

  • Appliance Purchasing and Installation

  • Kitchen and Bathroom Upgrades

  • Carpentry

  • Carpet Cleaning and Installation

  • Cleaning and Maid Service

  • Curb Appeal Enhancements

  • Painting

  • Drywall and Insulation

  • Electrical Upgrades

  • Handyman Services

  • Plumbing

  • Wall and Ceiling Repair

How does it work?

We schedule an appointment with a project consultant. They will arrange services, agree on pricing and manage projects from start to finish. All services will be billed to Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage and recouped at closing with no hidden fees, interest charges or markups.

What if my home does not sell?

If your home does not close within 12 months from the execution date of a RealVitalize contract, the homeowner will be responsible for paying Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage an amount equal to the value of services that were undertaken during the contract period.

How much can a seller borrow as part of RealVitalize

RealVitalize will cover the costs up to an amount equal to the Listing Side Real Estate Commission set forth in the listing agreement at the agreed-upon price but not to exceed $50,000. 

How do I know the HomeAdvisor service providers will be good?

HomeAdvisor has a rigorous screening process for its service providers, including background checks and licensing requirements. RealVitalize participating HomeAdvisor providers were selected for having the highest customer ratings and experience.

How does pricing work? 

Before HomeAdvisor begins any work, the price will be clearly communicated and the seller will have the chance to review any quote before work is performed. If the seller disagrees with the price, the seller or agent can work with the dedicated HomeAdvisor project consultant to find a different provider or change the scope of the work.

This is very exciting news! If you’re contemplating selling and want to discuss the RealVitalize options, give us a call at 916-586-7766. 

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